MINFOF: bill validated.
  • Date de Publication : 2024-07-08

As part of the second ordinary session of the 2024 legislative year, the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife was before the plenary session on Monday 1 July 2024. The issue at stake was the discussion on the draft law n°2058 /PJL/AN governing forests and wildlife. Following the presentation of the report by Honourable PONGOH Emmanuel, a series of questions were put by the Honourable Members to the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife.

The questions dealt with subjects such as: measures taken to guarantee the identification and marking of trees, the superimposition of mining permits on FMUs (Production Forests), the availability of regulatory texts, the supply of the wood-energy market, the processing balance among others. Following these series of questions, MINFOF provided precise answers to each one, and the law was subsequently adopted unanimously by the Lower House.