MINFOF Chairs Second Steering Committee Meeting Of PSMNR-SWR Phase V
  • Date de Publication : 2024-07-05

Minister Jules DORET NDONGO has presided at the second annual steering committee meeting of the programme for sustainable management of natural resources of the South West region this friday June 28 in Limbe.

In his opening speech, the Minfof boss resounded the enormous challenges that go with securing our ecosystems and rich biodiversity through conservation. He appreciated the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Development Bank, KfW which have been of so much support in sponsoring Minfof projects especially in and around protected areas and surrounding communities.

After the different presentations, the 2023 annual & financial reports, the 2024 work plan as well as the PSMNR manual of procedure were all adopted.

As part of the recommendations arrived at, it was agreed that the annual performance report should include an additional column to provide reasons when fixed targets are not attained and what will be done to complete the gap by the end of July 2024. Also, PSMNR and WWF are to liaise with the department of wildlife and protected areas of the ministry to map out modalities to support the elaboration of a national strategy of human/wildlife conflict in the country by October 2024.