National Assembly: MINFOF defends Bill no. 2058/PJL/AN on the Forestry and Wildlife Regime
  • Date de Publication : 2024-06-25

On June 22, 2024, the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife defended draft bill no. 2058/PJL/AN to lay down forestry and wildlife regulations before the production and trade at the National Assembly.

This bill sets out the provisions of the Forestry and Wildlife Regime, and aims to update the thirty-year-old 1994 law. It will make it possible to take measures to resolve the difficulties that have been identified.

MINFOF noted the innovations introduced by the law, notably in the forest and wildlife segments. For the forestry segment, access to the resource for holders of licenses will no longer require approval; regional forests will be created to adapt to decentralization, joining community and communal forests.

As for the wildlife sector, new measures are envisaged with the creation of community-based zones of hunting interest, and the authorization granted to ecoguards to use weapons when confronted with armed poachers. Also, this law incorporates the EU provisions banning the exportation of timber in the form of logs.