Décision N-0311/D/MINFOF/CAB of 10 June 2024 to temporarily suspend a Sale of Standing Volume.
  • Date de Publication : 2024-06-12

The Minister of Forestry and Wildlife
Hereby decides as follows:
Article 1 : Pursuant to the combined provisions of Article 65 of Law No94/01 20 January 1994 to lay down forestry, wildlife and fisheries regulations, and Articles 130,131,132 and 133 of Decree No95/531 of 23 August 1995 to lay down conditions for the enforcement of forestry regulations, is hereby temporarily suspended for 3(three) months from the date of signature of this Decision, the sale of standing volume N0 0909508 of Société SALI NJIDA P.O.Box 442 Bertoua for illegal logging in communal forest estate

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