MINFOF's participation in CROSS MINDEF 2024
  • Date de Publication : 2024-05-22

It was during the coordination meeting of the central services held on Tuesday 21 May 2024, presided by Mr Jules Doret NDONGO, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, that Mr MFOU'OU MFOU'OU Bruno, Inspector General, gave a detailed report of MINFOF's participation in the 12th edition of CROSS MINDEF 2024.

A total of 22 MINFOF staff took part in competition under the coordination of the Head of the National Control Brigade and the Regional Delegate for the Centre Region.

The CROSS competition started on 19 May at the esplanade of the Ngoa Ekele Military Stadium, with 10 MINFOF staff taking part in the 14 km run and 13 others in the 5 km walk. Compared with last year, when the best-performing MINFOF athletes came in 140th, there was a marked improvement in results, with the first MINFOF athlete, Mr NOMO Paul, coming in 70th.

For this performance, MINFOF was awarded a prize and a trophy by the Organising Committee; a trophy that was welcomed and brandished with pride by the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, who did not fail to encourage his staff to participate more, and to include in their budget the preparation of athletes and fans in order to qualify for performance prizes, as the MINDEF CROSS event is becoming very competitive due to the participation of well- trained athletes.