Cameroon commemorates World Forest Day
  • Date de Publication : 2024-03-21

On Thursday 21 March 2024, Cameroon joined the rest of the world to celebrate World Forest Day. In Yaounde, celebrations took place at Mbankolo in the Yaoundé II sub division, at the site of the landslide that occurred in the locality on 08 October 2023 in the Nkoletam district. The ceremony, presided over by Mr Jules Doret NDONGO, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, began at 11am at the site.

Celebrated under the theme FORESTS AND INNOVATION: NEW OUTCOMES FOR SUSTAINABLY MANAGED FORESTS, the speech by the Minister of Forests and Wildlife focused on the planting of particular tree species to promote soil stability. The mayor of Yaoundé II asked for a minute of silence for those who died in the landslide, and spoke about making this site a tool for the municipality's economic development.

This was followed by the practical phase, which involved planting species to stabilise the soil so that there would be no more landslides. However, Minister Jules Doret Ndongo pointed out that the aim was not just to plant the trees, but also to ensure maintenance for their perfect growth.