Operation punch of February 12, 2022
  • Date de Publication : 2022-02-14

On February 12, 2022, the departmental delegation of Forests and Wildlife of Nyong and So'o carried out a punch operation which resulted in the seizure of 12 dwarf crocodiles. The seized animals were in a public transport bus from Dja and Lobo. According to Mr. Nyemeg Jean, Departmental Delegate, the success of this operation is the result of collaboration between MINFOF staff, law enforcement and the population. Immediately after the suspect vehicle was immobilized, a few passengers on board passed out in the wild, leaving the loot in the hands of water and forest agents.

Due to the transport conditions, 03 of the 12 crocodiles died. The rest was transferred and secured at the Mvog Betsi Botanical Zoo garden in Yaoundé.